
Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been dying to go back to Spain. I have dreams about spending the day in Parque Del Retiro, eating amazing pastries from the pastry man by the train station and walking in the rain down cobblestoned streets with a sheet on our head (Carissa?!). I love the culture and the architecture and the people. I don't really miss the food my Señora cooked though (but really...who would?? Tuna fish on everything from pizza to hotdogs is NOT good!)

So guess what...! Paul and I will be in Parque Del Retiro in exactly 2 months. We will be enjoying the beautiful architecture, exploring the many sites and eating pastries EVERYDAY! I'm hoping that I can convince Paul to ride the metro to the train to the bus to Alcalá de Henares, so we can walk around Plaza de Cervantes AND so we can visit my favorite pastry shop. Carissa will attest...these were the best pastries around. We ate them at least once, but sometimes as much as four times a day. We may have been a little rounder after our semester there! We can't wait for May 22nd to get here! 

On another note... we have two new nieces. My brother's wife, Tina, had Emma Lauren on February 26th. I was able to fly out last weekend and connect up with my mom in New York, so we could meet sweet little Emma. She is such a good baby. She hardly cries. She has huge beautiful eyes. She is perfect. I really enjoyed spending time with my mom and Tina and meeting Emma. Paul's sister, Heather, had Ellen Marie Ruth on March 22nd. She's extremely beautiful.  Hopefully, we can fly out there soon to meet sweet Ellen. 

Happy weekend! Hopefully, the rain will hold off tomorrow so we can enjoy our beautiful city! 

P.S....I'm officially a Larsen. I just received my new social security card in the mail. Brittany Sheree Skousen Larsen. (Now comes the process of changing my drivers license, bank accounts, passport, voter registration...ugh)


  1. Yay!! So exciting. I am jealous. You also have to eat delicious kebabs from the restaurant on the side of Plaza de Cervantes with the babbling man who sits outside and just babbles loudly at everyone who walks by. (Assuming he is still there.) I would LOVE to go back to Spain!!

  2. haha we had SO much fun in Spain!! eat LOTS of pastries for me! AND bring an umbrella HAHA
